Евровидение 2016 - анализ итогов голосования

Анализ официальной статистики Евровидения 2016 по странам, членам жюри, сравнение телеголосования и голосования профессионального жюри


Суммарные голоса
  1. Украина: 534
  2. Австралия: 511
  3. Россия: 491
  4. Болгария: 307
  5. Швеция: 261
  6. Франция: 257
  7. Армения: 249
  8. Польша: 229
  9. Литва: 200
  10. Бельгия: 181
  11. Мальта: 153
  12. Нидерланды: 153
  13. Австрия: 151
  14. Израиль: 135
  15. Латвия: 132
  16. Италия: 124
  17. Азербайджан: 117
  18. Сербия: 115
  19. Венгрия: 108
  20. Грузия: 104
  21. Кипр: 96
  22. Испания: 77
  23. Хорватия: 73
  24. Великобритания: 62
  25. Чехия: 41
  26. Германия: 11
Голоса жюри
  1. Австралия: 320
  2. Украина: 211
  3. Франция: 148
  4. Мальта: 137
  5. Россия: 130
  6. Бельгия: 130
  7. Болгария: 127
  8. Израиль: 124
  9. Швеция: 122
  10. Армения: 115
  11. Нидерланды: 114
  12. Литва: 104
  13. Италия: 90
  14. Грузия: 80
  15. Латвия: 69
  16. Испания: 67
  17. Великобритания: 54
  18. Венгрия: 52
  19. Азербайджан: 44
  20. Кипр: 43
  21. Чехия: 41
  22. Хорватия: 40
  23. Сербия: 35
  24. Австрия: 31
  25. Польша: 7
  26. Германия: 1
Голоса телезрителей
  1. Россия: 361
  2. Украина: 323
  3. Польша: 222
  4. Австралия: 191
  5. Болгария: 180
  6. Швеция: 139
  7. Армения: 134
  8. Австрия: 120
  9. Франция: 109
  10. Литва: 96
  11. Сербия: 80
  12. Азербайджан: 73
  13. Латвия: 63
  14. Венгрия: 56
  15. Кипр: 53
  16. Бельгия: 51
  17. Нидерланды: 39
  18. Италия: 34
  19. Хорватия: 33
  20. Грузия: 24
  21. Мальта: 16
  22. Израиль: 11
  23. Испания: 10
  24. Германия: 10
  25. Великобритания: 8
  26. Чехия: 0
Разница между голосами жюри и телезрителей
  1. Австралия: 129
  2. Мальта: 121
  3. Израиль: 113
  4. Бельгия: 79
  5. Нидерланды: 75
  6. Испания: 57
  7. Италия: 56
  8. Грузия: 56
  9. Великобритания: 46
  10. Чехия: 41
  11. Франция: 39
  12. Литва: 8
  13. Хорватия: 7
  14. Латвия: 6
  15. Венгрия: -4
  16. Германия: -9
  17. Кипр: -10
  18. Швеция: -17
  19. Армения: -19
  20. Азербайджан: -29
  21. Сербия: -45
  22. Болгария: -53
  23. Австрия: -89
  24. Украина: -112
  25. Польша: -215
  26. Россия: -231

Стоит ли искать заговор против Росссии? Внизу весь "восточный блок".

Попытка найти сенсацию по гендерному признаку. Неудачная.

Количество М и Ж в жюри
  1. Россия: 3/2
  2. Украина: 3/2
  3. Белоруссия: 3/2
  4. Грузия: 3/2
  5. Армения: 4/1
  6. Азербайджан: 2/3
  7. Австралия: 3/2
  8. Греция: 3/2
  9. Франция: 3/2
  10. Германия: 2/3
  11. Италия: 2/3
  12. Кипр: 2/3
  13. Албания: 3/2
  14. Израиль: 3/2
  15. Австрия: 4/1
  16. Бельгия: 2/3
  17. Босния и Герцеговина: 4/1
  18. Болгария: 3/2
  19. Хорватия: 2/3
  20. Чехия: 3/2
  21. Дания: 3/2
  22. Эстония: 2/3
  23. Финляндия: 3/2
  24. Венгрия: 4/1
  25. Исландия: 2/3
  26. Ирландия: 2/3
  27. Латвия: 3/2
  28. Литва: 3/2
  29. Мальта: 3/2
  30. Нидерланды: 2/3
  31. Норвегия: 3/2
  32. Молдавия: 3/2
  33. Польша: 4/1
  34. Сан-Марино: 3/2
  35. Словения: 2/3
  36. Испания: 3/2
  37. Швеция: 3/2
  38. Македония: 3/2
  39. Великобритания: 3/2
  40. Швейцария: 3/2
  41. Сербия: 3/2
  42. Черногория: 3/2
Итого: 120 / 90
Среднее место
выставленное М
  1. Австралия - 5.04
  2. Украина - 9.46
  3. Франция - 10.52
  4. Мальта - 10.55
  5. Бельгия - 10.78
  6. Россия - 10.88
  7. Армения - 11.12
  8. Болгария - 11.15
  9. Нидерланды - 11.16
  10. Израиль - 11.31
  11. Литва - 11.57
  12. Испания - 11.8
  13. Швеция - 11.99
  14. Латвия - 13.21
  15. Италия - 13.34
  16. Великобритания - 13.53
  17. Чехия - 13.93
  18. Хорватия - 14.47
  19. Грузия - 15.01
  20. Венгрия - 15.22
  21. Азербайджан - 15.25
  22. Австрия - 15.48
  23. Кипр - 15.84
  24. Сербия - 16.03
  25. Польша - 17.89
  26. Германия - 18.23
Среднее место
выставленное Ж
  1. Австралия - 5.6
  2. Украина - 8.61
  3. Франция - 10.06
  4. Бельгия - 10.76
  5. Россия - 11.09
  6. Болгария - 11.16
  7. Израиль - 11.28
  8. Нидерланды - 11.38
  9. Швеция - 11.76
  10. Литва - 11.87
  11. Мальта - 12.23
  12. Латвия - 12.56
  13. Армения - 12.77
  14. Италия - 12.83
  15. Хорватия - 13.48
  16. Чехия - 13.63
  17. Испания - 13.66
  18. Венгрия - 13.82
  19. Грузия - 14.11
  20. Великобритания - 14.52
  21. Сербия - 14.77
  22. Азербайджан - 15.23
  23. Кипр - 15.31
  24. Австрия - 17.09
  25. Польша - 17.2
  26. Германия - 18.36

Разницу в 4 места и боолее можно заметить у:
Мальты (-7), Армении (-6), Испании (-5), Швеция (+4), Великобритания (-4)

Попытка найти сенсацию по возрастному признаку.

Средний возраст: 40.95 (М: 41.23 / Ж: 40.58)
min М: 19
- Швейцария - Tshanda Sangwa - singer and pianist
min Ж: 17
- Швеция - Lisa Ajax - Artist
max М: 70
- Македония - Vanco Dimitrov - composer, singer, music journalist and editor
max Ж: 76
- Эстония - Els Himma - singer

Средний возраст жюри по странам

  1. Испания - 28.6
  2. Швейцария - 30
  3. Мальта - 31.4
  4. Швеция - 31.8
  5. Словения - 34.8
  6. Грузия - 35
  7. Сан-Марино - 35.2
  8. Ирландия - 35.4
  9. Латвия - 35.4
  10. Молдавия - 35.8
  11. Финляндия - 37
  12. Хорватия - 37.2
  13. Армения - 37.8
  14. Германия - 38.4
  15. Польша - 38.4
  16. Австрия - 38.8
  17. Белоруссия - 38.8
  18. Черногория - 39.2
  19. Кипр - 39.4
  20. Босния и Герцеговина - 39.6
  21. Великобритания - 40.2
  22. Литва - 40.6
  23. Бельгия - 41.2
  24. Норвегия - 41.4
  25. Македония - 42.6
  26. Эстония - 43.4
  27. Исландия - 43.6
  28. Италия - 44
  29. Франция - 44.2
  30. Австралия - 44.4
  31. Венгрия - 45.6
  32. Израиль - 45.8
  33. Россия - 45.8
  34. Украина - 46
  35. Болгария - 46.2
  36. Греция - 47
  37. Дания - 47.6
  38. Азербайджан - 48.8
  39. Сербия - 49.8
  40. Нидерланды - 50.8
  41. Албания - 51.4
  42. Чехия - 51.6

Голоса жюри по возрасту

До 35
  1. Австралия - 5.06
  2. Украина - 8.68
  3. Франция - 9.94
  4. Болгария - 10.72
  5. Бельгия - 10.84
  6. Армения - 10.92
  7. Швеция - 11.36
  8. Израиль - 11.89
  9. Мальта - 12.03
  10. Латвия - 12.22
  11. Россия - 12.27
  12. Нидерланды - 12.32
  13. Литва - 12.71
  14. Испания - 13.15
  15. Чехия - 13.39
  16. Италия - 13.95
  17. Хорватия - 14.2
  18. Сербия - 14.29
  19. Великобритания - 14.85
  20. Грузия - 15.46
  21. Венгрия - 15.54
  22. Кипр - 15.54
  23. Азербайджан - 17.09
  24. Австрия - 17.77
  25. Германия - 17.88
  26. Польша - 20.2
От 35 до 45
  1. Австралия - 5.04
  2. Украина - 9.09
  3. Франция - 10.32
  4. Бельгия - 10.64
  5. Литва - 10.85
  6. Израиль - 11.19
  7. Россия - 11.36
  8. Мальта - 11.39
  9. Армения - 12.09
  10. Болгария - 12.18
  11. Нидерланды - 12.22
  12. Швеция - 12.55
  13. Латвия - 12.7
  14. Испания - 12.88
  15. Италия - 13.28
  16. Грузия - 14.01
  17. Хорватия - 14.45
  18. Чехия - 14.49
  19. Азербайджан - 14.58
  20. Великобритания - 14.77
  21. Венгрия - 15.2
  22. Кипр - 16.53
  23. Австрия - 16.7
  24. Сербия - 16.92
  25. Польша - 17.8
  26. Германия - 19.26
Старше 45
  1. Австралия - 6.18
  2. Нидерланды - 9.86
  3. Россия - 10.06
  4. Украина - 10.23
  5. Болгария - 11.23
  6. Мальта - 11.27
  7. Франция - 11.5
  8. Бельгия - 11.68
  9. Израиль - 11.68
  10. Литва - 12.53
  11. Швеция - 12.55
  12. Испания - 12.7
  13. Италия - 13.12
  14. Великобритания - 13.2
  15. Армения - 13.29
  16. Венгрия - 14.17
  17. Хорватия - 14.48
  18. Чехия - 14.51
  19. Латвия - 14.85
  20. Австрия - 15.23
  21. Азербайджан - 15.34
  22. Грузия - 15.64
  23. Кипр - 15.85
  24. Польша - 16.14
  25. Сербия - 16.24
  26. Германия - 18.99

Голоса жюри М по возрасту

До 35
  1. Австралия - 4.77
  2. Украина - 9.23
  3. Армения - 9.82
  4. Франция - 9.91
  5. Бельгия - 11
  6. Мальта - 11.03
  7. Болгария - 11.23
  8. Россия - 11.83
  9. Испания - 11.84
  10. Швеция - 11.94
  11. Израиль - 12
  12. Литва - 12.06
  13. Нидерланды - 12.09
  14. Чехия - 13
  15. Латвия - 13.24
  16. Италия - 14.29
  17. Великобритания - 14.74
  18. Сербия - 14.91
  19. Хорватия - 15.2
  20. Кипр - 15.26
  21. Венгрия - 16.18
  22. Грузия - 16.21
  23. Азербайджан - 17.06
  24. Австрия - 17.4
  25. Германия - 17.77
  26. Польша - 20.15
От 35 до 45
  1. Австралия - 5.29
  2. Украина - 9.6
  3. Франция - 9.79
  4. Мальта - 11.09
  5. Бельгия - 11.17
  6. Россия - 11.39
  7. Болгария - 11.43
  8. Литва - 11.62
  9. Нидерланды - 12.06
  10. Армения - 12.11
  11. Израиль - 12.2
  12. Швеция - 12.82
  13. Испания - 12.94
  14. Латвия - 12.96
  15. Италия - 13
  16. Хорватия - 13.98
  17. Грузия - 14
  18. Великобритания - 14.3
  19. Азербайджан - 14.52
  20. Чехия - 14.72
  21. Австрия - 15.3
  22. Кипр - 15.47
  23. Венгрия - 15.76
  24. Сербия - 17.68
  25. Германия - 18.58
  26. Польша - 18.78
Старше 45
  1. Австралия - 5.41
  2. Нидерланды - 9.69
  3. Россия - 10.26
  4. Украина - 10.31
  5. Мальта - 10.32
  6. Израиль - 10.53
  7. Бельгия - 10.68
  8. Испания - 11.29
  9. Болгария - 11.66
  10. Литва - 11.97
  11. Швеция - 12
  12. Армения - 12.24
  13. Великобритания - 12.5
  14. Франция - 12.92
  15. Италия - 13.59
  16. Латвия - 14.57
  17. Чехия - 15
  18. Хорватия - 15.16
  19. Азербайджан - 15.32
  20. Венгрия - 15.32
  21. Австрия - 15.57
  22. Сербия - 16.29
  23. Грузия - 16.38
  24. Польша - 16.68
  25. Кипр - 17.66
  26. Германия - 19.21

Голоса жюри Ж по возрасту

До 35
  1. Австралия - 5.39
  2. Украина - 8.06
  3. Франция - 9.97
  4. Болгария - 10.13
  5. Бельгия - 10.67
  6. Швеция - 10.7
  7. Латвия - 11.03
  8. Израиль - 11.77
  9. Армения - 12.1
  10. Нидерланды - 12.58
  11. Россия - 12.77
  12. Хорватия - 13
  13. Мальта - 13.1
  14. Литва - 13.42
  15. Италия - 13.57
  16. Сербия - 13.58
  17. Чехия - 13.84
  18. Испания - 14.53
  19. Грузия - 14.59
  20. Венгрия - 14.84
  21. Великобритания - 14.97
  22. Кипр - 15.87
  23. Азербайджан - 17.13
  24. Германия - 18
  25. Австрия - 18.2
  26. Польша - 20.26
От 35 до 45
  1. Австралия - 4.66
  2. Украина - 8.25
  3. Израиль - 9.62
  4. Литва - 9.66
  5. Бельгия - 9.83
  6. Франция - 11.17
  7. Россия - 11.31
  8. Мальта - 11.9
  9. Армения - 12.07
  10. Швеция - 12.14
  11. Латвия - 12.3
  12. Нидерланды - 12.48
  13. Испания - 12.79
  14. Болгария - 13.41
  15. Италия - 13.72
  16. Грузия - 14.03
  17. Чехия - 14.13
  18. Венгрия - 14.34
  19. Азербайджан - 14.67
  20. Хорватия - 15.21
  21. Великобритания - 15.52
  22. Сербия - 15.69
  23. Польша - 16.28
  24. Кипр - 18.17
  25. Австрия - 18.77
  26. Германия - 20.36
Старше 45
  1. Австралия - 7.21
  2. Франция - 9.68
  3. Россия - 9.79
  4. Нидерланды - 10.07
  5. Украина - 10.14
  6. Болгария - 10.72
  7. Италия - 12.5
  8. Мальта - 12.52
  9. Венгрия - 12.69
  10. Бельгия - 13.07
  11. Израиль - 13.25
  12. Швеция - 13.28
  13. Литва - 13.29
  14. Кипр - 13.39
  15. Хорватия - 13.62
  16. Чехия - 13.85
  17. Великобритания - 14.07
  18. Испания - 14.55
  19. Грузия - 14.69
  20. Армения - 14.71
  21. Австрия - 14.79
  22. Латвия - 15.21
  23. Азербайджан - 15.38
  24. Польша - 15.45
  25. Сербия - 16.18
  26. Германия - 18.69
Отношение к России / Лазереву / номеру Лазарева в зависимости от возраста ярче, чем у других стран. У Армении тоже самое в другую сторону.

Народ и партия едины?

Чем меньше разница в голосах, тем более одинакого оценили выступавших телезрители и жюри из одной и той же страны.
Видно, что Россию большинство членов жюри оценило ниже телезритлей, Австралию наоборот, а по Украине просто огромный разброс с малым количеством средних баллов.
Огромный разброс мнений у жюри между разными странами - главный признак предвзятости или некомпетентности. Это видно и по России и по Украине. Сравните с гладкостью голосования жюри за Австралию.
И ещё попытка цифрами показать объективность. Чем больше отличие в мнениях телезрителей и жюри, тем меньше объектвности по отношению к стране.
Деление условное, конечно. Кто-то может границы поставить по-другому:
Объективно к странам: Австралия - 16, Австрия - 17
Средне к странам: Франция - 23, России - 24, Украина - 30
Не объективно к странам: Грузия - 32, Армения - 33, Польша - 35, Мальта - 39, Азербайджан - 45 - при максимальной теоретической разнице в 50!

Ниже приведены данные по трём первым странам, а под ними есть ссылки позволяющие построить такую же таблицу по любой стране.

от -5 до +5 - едины; меньше -15 и больше 15 - не едины

малый разброс мнений; большой разброс мнений - почти у всех стран разброс мнений жюри больше разброса мнений телезрителей, что (на мой взгляд) говорит о том, что жюри менее объективно, чем голосование телезрителей, а ведь именно необъективность "соседского" голосования должно было скомпенсировать жюри.


  1. Украина: 1
  2. Белоруссия: 1
  3. Армения: 1
  4. Азербайджан: 1
  5. Германия: 1
  6. Болгария: 1
  7. Эстония: 1
  8. Латвия: 1
  9. Молдавия: 1
  10. Сербия: 1
  11. Греция: 2
  12. Кипр: 2
  13. Израиль: 2
  14. Чехия: 2
  15. Венгрия: 2
  16. Мальта: 2
  17. Сан-Марино: 2
  18. Словения: 2
  19. Черногория: 2
  20. Грузия: 3
  21. Италия: 3
  22. Австрия: 3
  23. Хорватия: 3
  24. Финляндия: 3
  25. Ирландия: 3
  26. Литва: 3
  27. Польша: 3
  28. Испания: 3
  29. Швеция: 3
  30. Македония: 3
  31. Албания: 4
  32. Исландия: 4
  33. Великобритания: 4
  34. Франция: 5
  35. Бельгия: 5
  36. Босния и Герцеговина: 5
  37. Норвегия: 5
  38. Швейцария: 5
  39. Австралия: 6
  40. Дания: 7
  41. Нидерланды: 8
  1. 1 - 10
  2. 2 - 9
  3. 3 - 11
  4. 4 - 3
  5. 5 - 5
  6. 6 - 1
  7. 7 - 1
  8. 8 - 1
  1. Белоруссия: 1
  2. Азербайджан: 1
  3. Греция: 1
  4. Кипр: 1
  5. Исландия: 3
  6. Черногория: 3
  7. Албания: 4
  8. Латвия: 4
  9. Молдавия: 4
  10. Сан-Марино: 4
  11. Болгария: 5
  12. Хорватия: 5
  13. Швеция: 5
  14. Босния и Герцеговина: 6
  15. Мальта: 7
  16. Испания: 7
  17. Австрия: 8
  18. Армения: 9
  19. Франция: 10
  20. Сербия: 10
  21. Бельгия: 11
  22. Македония: 11
  23. Израиль: 13
  24. Дания: 13
  25. Венгрия: 13
  26. Нидерланды: 13
  27. Норвегия: 13
  28. Польша: 13
  29. Великобритания: 13
  30. Финляндия: 14
  31. Словения: 17
  32. Швейцария: 17
  33. Австралия: 18
  34. Германия: 18
  35. Италия: 18
  36. Эстония: 18
  37. Ирландия: 18
  38. Украина: 22
  39. Грузия: 23
  40. Чехия: 25
  41. Литва: 25
  1. 1 - 4
  2. 3 - 2
  3. 4 - 4
  4. 5 - 3
  5. 6 - 1
  6. 7 - 2
  7. 8 - 1
  8. 9 - 1
  9. 10 - 2
  10. 11 - 2
  11. 13 - 7
  12. 14 - 1
  13. 17 - 2
  14. 18 - 5
  15. 22 - 1
  16. 23 - 1
  17. 25 - 2
Разница в голосах:
  1. Греция: 1
  2. Кипр: 1
  3. Исландия: 1
  4. Белоруссия: 0
  5. Азербайджан: 0
  6. Албания: 0
  7. Босния и Герцеговина: -1
  8. Черногория: -1
  9. Хорватия: -2
  10. Сан-Марино: -2
  11. Швеция: -2
  12. Латвия: -3
  13. Молдавия: -3
  14. Болгария: -4
  15. Испания: -4
  16. Франция: -5
  17. Австрия: -5
  18. Мальта: -5
  19. Нидерланды: -5
  20. Бельгия: -6
  21. Дания: -6
  22. Армения: -8
  23. Норвегия: -8
  24. Македония: -8
  25. Великобритания: -9
  26. Сербия: -9
  27. Польша: -10
  28. Израиль: -11
  29. Финляндия: -11
  30. Венгрия: -11
  31. Австралия: -12
  32. Швейцария: -12
  33. Италия: -15
  34. Ирландия: -15
  35. Словения: -15
  36. Германия: -17
  37. Эстония: -17
  38. Грузия: -20
  39. Украина: -21
  40. Литва: -22
  41. Чехия: -23


  1. Италия: 1
  2. Чехия: 1
  3. Финляндия: 1
  4. Венгрия: 1
  5. Польша: 1
  6. Сан-Марино: 1
  7. Россия: 2
  8. Белоруссия: 2
  9. Грузия: 2
  10. Армения: 2
  11. Азербайджан: 2
  12. Франция: 2
  13. Австрия: 2
  14. Болгария: 2
  15. Хорватия: 2
  16. Латвия: 2
  17. Литва: 2
  18. Молдавия: 2
  19. Австралия: 3
  20. Израиль: 3
  21. Эстония: 3
  22. Черногория: 3
  23. Кипр: 4
  24. Босния и Герцеговина: 4
  25. Нидерланды: 4
  26. Словения: 4
  27. Испания: 4
  28. Швеция: 4
  29. Сербия: 4
  30. Греция: 5
  31. Германия: 5
  32. Албания: 5
  33. Македония: 5
  34. Великобритания: 6
  35. Ирландия: 7
  36. Мальта: 7
  37. Норвегия: 7
  38. Швейцария: 7
  39. Дания: 8
  40. Бельгия: 9
  41. Исландия: 11
  1. 1 - 6
  2. 2 - 12
  3. 3 - 4
  4. 4 - 7
  5. 5 - 4
  6. 6 - 1
  7. 7 - 4
  8. 8 - 1
  9. 9 - 1
  10. 11 - 1
  1. Грузия: 1
  2. Израиль: 1
  3. Босния и Герцеговина: 1
  4. Дания: 1
  5. Латвия: 1
  6. Молдавия: 1
  7. Польша: 1
  8. Сан-Марино: 1
  9. Словения: 1
  10. Македония: 1
  11. Сербия: 1
  12. Азербайджан: 2
  13. Италия: 2
  14. Великобритания: 2
  15. Литва: 3
  16. Белоруссия: 4
  17. Германия: 4
  18. Эстония: 4
  19. Швейцария: 5
  20. Норвегия: 7
  21. Бельгия: 8
  22. Нидерланды: 8
  23. Австралия: 9
  24. Греция: 9
  25. Финляндия: 11
  26. Черногория: 11
  27. Албания: 12
  28. Венгрия: 12
  29. Франция: 15
  30. Исландия: 15
  31. Ирландия: 15
  32. Армения: 16
  33. Австрия: 16
  34. Хорватия: 16
  35. Швеция: 16
  36. Болгария: 17
  37. Кипр: 18
  38. Испания: 20
  39. Россия: 24
  40. Чехия: 24
  41. Мальта: 24
  1. 1 - 11
  2. 2 - 3
  3. 3 - 1
  4. 4 - 3
  5. 5 - 1
  6. 7 - 1
  7. 8 - 2
  8. 9 - 2
  9. 11 - 2
  10. 12 - 2
  11. 15 - 3
  12. 16 - 4
  13. 17 - 1
  14. 18 - 1
  15. 20 - 1
  16. 24 - 3
Разница в голосах:
  1. Дания: 7
  2. Македония: 4
  3. Великобритания: 4
  4. Босния и Герцеговина: 3
  5. Словения: 3
  6. Сербия: 3
  7. Израиль: 2
  8. Швейцария: 2
  9. Грузия: 1
  10. Германия: 1
  11. Бельгия: 1
  12. Латвия: 1
  13. Молдавия: 1
  14. Азербайджан: 0
  15. Норвегия: 0
  16. Польша: 0
  17. Сан-Марино: 0
  18. Италия: -1
  19. Эстония: -1
  20. Литва: -1
  21. Белоруссия: -2
  22. Греция: -4
  23. Исландия: -4
  24. Нидерланды: -4
  25. Австралия: -6
  26. Албания: -7
  27. Ирландия: -8
  28. Черногория: -8
  29. Финляндия: -10
  30. Венгрия: -11
  31. Швеция: -12
  32. Франция: -13
  33. Армения: -14
  34. Кипр: -14
  35. Австрия: -14
  36. Хорватия: -14
  37. Болгария: -15
  38. Испания: -16
  39. Мальта: -17
  40. Россия: -22
  41. Чехия: -23


  1. Албания: 1
  2. Мальта: 1
  3. Швеция: 1
  4. Дания: 2
  5. Исландия: 3
  6. Норвегия: 3
  7. Финляндия: 4
  8. Польша: 4
  9. Ирландия: 5
  10. Латвия: 5
  11. Великобритания: 5
  12. Сербия: 5
  13. Греция: 6
  14. Германия: 6
  15. Кипр: 6
  16. Израиль: 6
  17. Болгария: 6
  18. Хорватия: 6
  19. Литва: 6
  20. Нидерланды: 6
  21. Молдавия: 6
  22. Сан-Марино: 6
  23. Россия: 7
  24. Украина: 7
  25. Бельгия: 7
  26. Эстония: 7
  27. Испания: 7
  28. Австрия: 8
  29. Босния и Герцеговина: 8
  30. Венгрия: 8
  31. Словения: 8
  32. Македония: 8
  33. Азербайджан: 9
  34. Белоруссия: 10
  35. Грузия: 10
  36. Чехия: 10
  37. Швейцария: 10
  38. Италия: 11
  39. Армения: 12
  40. Франция: 12
  41. Черногория: 13
  1. 1 - 3
  2. 2 - 1
  3. 3 - 2
  4. 4 - 2
  5. 5 - 4
  6. 6 - 10
  7. 7 - 5
  8. 8 - 5
  9. 9 - 1
  10. 10 - 4
  11. 11 - 1
  12. 12 - 2
  13. 13 - 1
  1. Албания: 1
  2. Австрия: 1
  3. Бельгия: 1
  4. Хорватия: 1
  5. Венгрия: 1
  6. Литва: 1
  7. Нидерланды: 1
  8. Швеция: 1
  9. Швейцария: 1
  10. Кипр: 2
  11. Израиль: 2
  12. Босния и Герцеговина: 2
  13. Дания: 2
  14. Эстония: 2
  15. Исландия: 2
  16. Норвегия: 2
  17. Молдавия: 2
  18. Польша: 2
  19. Грузия: 3
  20. Болгария: 3
  21. Финляндия: 3
  22. Испания: 3
  23. Македония: 3
  24. Великобритания: 3
  25. Азербайджан: 4
  26. Греция: 4
  27. Белоруссия: 5
  28. Франция: 5
  29. Германия: 5
  30. Италия: 5
  31. Словения: 5
  32. Сербия: 5
  33. Украина: 6
  34. Армения: 6
  35. Латвия: 6
  36. Черногория: 7
  37. Мальта: 8
  38. Россия: 9
  39. Чехия: 11
  40. Ирландия: 12
  41. Сан-Марино: 12
  1. 1 - 9
  2. 2 - 9
  3. 3 - 6
  4. 4 - 2
  5. 5 - 6
  6. 6 - 3
  7. 7 - 1
  8. 8 - 1
  9. 9 - 1
  10. 11 - 1
  11. 12 - 2
Разница в голосах:
  1. Швейцария: 9
  2. Грузия: 7
  3. Франция: 7
  4. Австрия: 7
  5. Венгрия: 7
  6. Армения: 6
  7. Италия: 6
  8. Бельгия: 6
  9. Босния и Герцеговина: 6
  10. Черногория: 6
  11. Белоруссия: 5
  12. Азербайджан: 5
  13. Хорватия: 5
  14. Эстония: 5
  15. Литва: 5
  16. Нидерланды: 5
  17. Македония: 5
  18. Кипр: 4
  19. Израиль: 4
  20. Молдавия: 4
  21. Испания: 4
  22. Болгария: 3
  23. Словения: 3
  24. Греция: 2
  25. Польша: 2
  26. Великобритания: 2
  27. Украина: 1
  28. Германия: 1
  29. Финляндия: 1
  30. Исландия: 1
  31. Норвегия: 1
  32. Албания: 0
  33. Дания: 0
  34. Швеция: 0
  35. Сербия: 0
  36. Чехия: -1
  37. Латвия: -1
  38. Россия: -2
  39. Сан-Марино: -6
  40. Ирландия: -7
  41. Мальта: -7

Показать голосования за страну:

Christian Ingebrigtsen - 39/М - Artist/songwriter
Christian Ingebrigtsen has topped the charts worldwide, won a Brit Award and sold over 10 million albums as member of pop group a1. He’s a successful solo artist in Norway, where he also writes and produces for others, including the runner up in the Nor
  1. Италия - 1
  2. Нидерланды - 2
  3. Австралия - 3
  4. Литва - 4
  5. Испания - 5
  6. Франция - 6
  7. Австрия - 7
  8. Бельгия - 8
  9. Украина - 9
  10. Россия - 10
  11. Израиль - 11
  12. Швеция - 12
  13. Хорватия - 13
  14. Чехия - 14
  15. Болгария - 15
  16. Великобритания - 16
  17. Польша - 17
  18. Азербайджан - 18
  19. Латвия - 19
  20. Армения - 20
  21. Мальта - 21
  22. Грузия - 22
  23. Германия - 23
  24. Сербия - 24
  25. Кипр - 25
  26. Венгрия - 26

А судьи кто?

  1. Россия (1): 70/Ж - Larisa Rubalskaya - poet, translator, writer
    Russian poet, translator and writer
  2. Россия (2): 42/М - Stanislav Duzhnikov - Actor
    Russian famous theatre and TV actor. He has been playing in the movies since 1995. Sitcom "Voroniny'" and TV series "Kamenskays" made Stanislav very popular TV actor.
  3. Россия (3): 41/М - Oscar Kuchera - actor, musician, TV and Radio Host
    Russian Actor, Musician, TV and Radio Host.
  4. Россия (4): 40/М - Denis Maydanov - singer, composer, musical producer
    a Famous Russian singer, composer, poet, actor, musical producer. One of the most toured artist in Russia. Has a lot prizes.
  5. Россия (5): 36/Ж - Olipmiada Teterich - TV host
    TV Host of different Russian channels, script writer, author of differrent TVPrograms. Host of Musical Festivals.
  6. Украина (1): 48/М - Oleksandr Ksenofontov - Producer, Lyricist
    He is a Ukrainian music producer and lyricist. Ksenofontov wrote the lyrics to the winning song of ESC-2004 "Wild Dances".
  7. Украина (2): 45/Ж - Maria Burmaka - Singer, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Candidate of Philological Sciences
    Maria Burmaka is a Ukrainian singer, musician, and songwriter in genres of rock, pop, folk music. She wrote more than 150 songs, many of them became the soundtracks of historical events in Ukraine. She has released 11 albums, including album of children&#
  8. Украина (3): 53/М - Valentyn Koval - M1/M2 General Manager
    Works in media since 1985, in tv-broadcasting since 1993. Co-founder of ‘Melorama’ show (INTER), tv-manager of ‘Tavria Games’ festival, M1 channel general producer (2001 - 2010).
  9. Украина (4): 38/Ж - Valeria Perkova - Director of Radio "Aristocrats" PLC
    Valeria works in the radio industry more than 15 years. Now she is working at the Radio "Aristocrats" (the first full cycle Internet-radio with more than 40 author's programs). Also she is the producer and host of the internationally acclai
  10. Украина (5): 46/М - Andriy Yakymenko - Singer, Composer, Songwriter, Producer
    Andre France worked as a composer on many famous ukrainian TV Shows, such as: Miss Musik M1 project", "Star Academy 3", "Star Academy Super-final", "Ukraine does not beleive in tears", "The Voice" (Ukraine).
  11. Белоруссия (1): 33/М - Yury Vashchuk - singer, composer
    Famous Belarusian singer, composer and TV host.
  12. Белоруссия (2): 40/М - Alexander Kapyonkin - Head of ODL "Television Program "BelMuzTV"
    Alexander Kapionkin is a well known belarussian TV Producer. For many years work on different entertainment TV projects. Was one of creative producers of JESC 2010 in Minsk.
  13. Белоруссия (3): 49/М - Gennady Markevich - Composer
    Gennady Markevich is famous belarussian composre and producer, sound engineer.
  14. Белоруссия (4): 35/Ж - Olga Plotnikova - Singer
    Olga Plotnikova - famous Belarusian singer. Takes part almost in all big Belarusian concerts and musical TV shows. Works as a TV presenter - women's talk show "Day in a Big City".
  15. Белоруссия (5): 37/Ж - Olga Rudakova - Vocal Producer
    Olga Drozdova is well known belarusian vocal producer.
  16. Грузия (1): 43/М - Asanishvili George - Sound Engineer
    Author of project "Unknown Taia".
  17. Грузия (2): 32/М - Mikheil Javakhishvili - Singer,Musical Producer
    Choir conductor.
  18. Грузия (3): 26/Ж - Helen Kalandadze - Singer
    Participates in Different Musical TV shoes;
  19. Грузия (4): 26/Ж - Natsvlishvili Nata - singer-songwriter
    Natuka Natsvlishvili is a singer-songwriter .
  20. Грузия (5): 48/М - Zaza Orashvili - Stage and Video Director.
    Stage and Video Director.
  21. Армения (1): 42/М - Hayk Hakobyan - Musician, Songwriter, Producer
    Hayk Hakobyan (Hayko) is an Armenian singer who won Armenia's national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki. He represented Armenia in the Eurovision Song Contest in the final with the song "Anytime You Need". The song
  22. Армения (2): 37/М - Vardan Babayan - Dj
    Vardan Babayan commonly known as DJ Dale is an Armenian famous DJ who is the author of many REMIX versions of famous hits in Armenia.
  23. Армения (3): 54/Ж - Naira Gurjinyan - Musician, Songwriter
    Naira Gyurjinyan (born 1961) is an Armenian musician, songwriter, producer and vocal teacher. She is also the art director of the band "Jazzel" in Armenia. Since 2006 she has been a jury member and the producer of the Armenian "X Factor&quo
  24. Армения (4): 27/М - Erik Karapetyan - Singer, songwriter
    Erik is an Armenian singer and songwriter. He has many albums and singles which are very popular. In 2011 Erik represented Armenia in “New Wave” International pop Contest-Festival of young performers and gained the prize “Sympathy of Audience”.
  25. Армения (5): 29/М - Miqayel Voskanyan - Musician, composer
    Miqayel Voskanyan is an Armenian famous musician. He is the head of the band, which is called Miqayel Voskanyan and friends band. He works with famous artists in Armenia.
  26. Азербайджан (1): 67/Ж - Gulchohra Shafiyeva - director
    Gulchohra Shafiyeva was born in 1949 in Fuzuli region. She was graduated the State Conservatory named after Uzeyir Hajibeyov. Gulchohra Shafiyeva is a director of Heydar Aliyev Palace from 1995. She organized several concert programs in Baku.
  27. Азербайджан (2): 41/М - Farid Aliyev - opera singer,tenor
    Farid Aliyev was born in 1975 in Baku. He graduated State Art and Culture University and Baku Music Academy. He is an opera singer and tenor. Farid Aliyev is a soloist of Musical Comedy Theatre from 1999.
  28. Азербайджан (3): 31/М - Ayyub Guliyev - conductor
    Ayyub Guliyev was born in 1984 in Baku. He is a musician and conductor of Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theatre as well as, Russian Academic State Philharmonic Orchestra.
  29. Азербайджан (4): 55/Ж - Nargiz Jalilova - presenter
    Nargiz Jalilova was born in 1960 in Baku. She graduated State Oil Academy of Azerbaijan. Nargiz Jalilova started working career as a presenter at State Television from 1983.
  30. Азербайджан (5): 50/Ж - Tarane Muradova - ballet-mistress
    Terane Muradova was born in 1965 in Baku. She is ballet-mistress and choreographer. She graduated Baku Choreographic School and State Art University. Terane Muradova is a soloist and ballet-mistress of State Dance Group.
  31. Австралия (1): 50/Ж - Monica Trapaga - Singer / Songwriter
    Monica Trapaga is an accomplished entertainer, performing and writing children’s tunes for her own videos and CDs, presenting and singing on Play School and Playhouse Disney, right through to singing Rockabilly, Contemporary and Jazz with all sized band
  32. Австралия (2): 38/М - James Mathison - Presenter / Broadcaster
    James Mathison shot to fame on television as the co-host of Australia Idol in 2003. He has hosted the ARIA awards, Australia Day Live Concerts and countless hours of live TV. James presents radio on Nova’s Summer breakfast and appears as a regular gues
  33. Австралия (3): 40/М - Shannon Noll - Singer / Songwriter
    Shannon Noll rose to fame as the first runner-up of the Australian Idol series in 2003. He has achieved certified triple-platinum sales, number #1 hits and 5 top 10 albums. He is the only Australian male artist in national chart history to have 10 consecu
  34. Австралия (4): 53/М - Craig Porteils - Music Producer
    Craig Porteils is a successful music producer and composer, having recorded with hi-profile artists like Guns n Roses and Cher. In 2009 Craig composed a song for Greek superstar Sakis Rouvos for The Eurovision Song Contest. Craig is currently recording tr
  35. Австралия (5): 41/Ж - Myf Warhurst - Radio Broadcaster and Television Personality
    Myf Warhurst is an Australian broadcaster and television personality, best known for her work at ABC’s Double J, Triple J radio and on ABC Television’s music-themed quiz show Spicks & Specks. She’s made her own television series Nice and is a column
  36. Греция (1): 56/Ж - Mariza Fakli - Artists' public relations
    Has worked in the music industry since 2011 as an artists' communication and public relations specialist. As a former Head of International Relations at ERT, she served as Head of the Greek Delegation (2008-2011) and as member of the Delegation for t
  37. Греция (2): 36/М - Lambros Konstantaras - Radio Producer/Journalist
    Lambros is working on the music radio Easy 97,2 and also he is presenter on a tv show every weekend on Antenna tv. He has worked as Editor in chief in magazines and websites. From September 2015 he is CEO at a new record label called Spin Records.
  38. Греция (3): 64/Ж - Anna Kypourgou - Journalist & Music Producer
    Ms Stamatelou has produced and presented several music programmes for radio and television during her impressive, almost 30-year career as music producer and journalist. She has also served as Head of Press to the Greek ESC Delegation for five years (20
  39. Греция (4): 41/М - Georgios Segredakis - Curator stage presence - Costume designer
    He currently works mostly for well-known musical, opera and theatre productions. During his 18-year old carreer he has worked several times in the ESC context (2002, 2004,2008,2011,2012), most often for the Greek Delegation.
  40. Греция (5): 38/М - Adam Tsarouchis - Singer
    Adam's cv includes studies in singing, theory, jazz and musical theatre, participation in several well-known musical and opera performances in Greece, several individual performances of jazz, swing and Greek songs, and a recently released music album
  41. Франция (1): 46/М - Roberto Ciurleo - Music Producer / Radio Channel Manager
    He is the Vice-President of Virgin Radio. Also producer of the musical "Les Trois Mousquetaires".
  42. Франция (2): 31/Ж - Sarah Caillibot - Artist / Singer
    She writes and sings her own songs. She came out during the 2nd season of The Voice France in 2013.
  43. Франция (3): 55/Ж - Léa Ivanne - Songwriter
    Léa Ivanne is a famous songwriter in France.
  44. Франция (4): 34/М - Dominique Mattei - Artist
    He is a French author, composer, singer and comedian.
  45. Франция (5): 55/М - Thomas Pat Angeli - Radio Journalist / Music Specialist
    Pat Angeli hosts a very famous show on RFM Radio. He is also a specialist of funk and soul music.
  46. Германия (1): 24/Ж - Hanan Hamdi - Singer
    Namikas debut album "Nador" was released in July 2015 and very successful. The single "Lieblingsmensch" went No. 1 in Germany, No. 2 in Austria and No. 14 in Switzerland. She is performing on different festivals during the summer and a
  47. Германия (2): 35/Ж - Sarah Connor - singer/songwriter
    Sarah Connor is one of the most successful german singer with more than 7 million sold records. While she did her first releases in english, she switched to german for her latest Album, which went triple Platin.
  48. Германия (3): 45/Ж - Anna Loos - singer/actress
    Anna Loos is a very well known actress and singer. Together with the famous rock band "Silly" she is recording records and touring.
  49. Германия (4): 44/М - Alec Völkel - singer
    Alec Völkel is a founder of The BossHoss. They are very successful with their new interpretation of country music with rock influences. Both, Alec and Sascha were jurymembers for "The Voice of Germany" from 2011 to 2013.
  50. Германия (5): 44/М - Sascha Vollmer - singer/composer/musician
    Sascha Vollmer is one of the founder of The BossHoss. They are well known for their interpretation of popsongs in their special countrystil. All their Releases were very successful. The BossHoss is also very successful in touring.
  51. Италия (1): 38/М - Alessandro Pigliavento - web marketing specialist - blogger
    Web Marketing Specialist, assistant manager in the early 2000s for Radio 105. Founder and admin of Eurofestival News, the most reliable Italian site related to the Eurovision Song Contest.
  52. Италия (2): 54/М - Paolo Belli - singer - showman
    Singer and showman. From the time of the band “Bycicle Thieves”, with its very own colorful pop to swing, to the most successful shows of RAIUNO.
  53. Италия (3): 33/Ж - Andrea Maria Delogu - tv show host
    Hosted numerous radio and tv shows for RAI,Mediaset and Sky.Actress in many national commercials. Collaboration with different magazines. She grows in the San Patrignano community where her parents met. She tells this part of her life in the novel 'L
  54. Италия (4): 45/Ж - Tiziana Leone - journalist
    Tiziana Leone is an italian journalist. Writing about television and movies on different newspaper as La Sampa and Il Secolo XIX. Right now, she's working for the on-line daily Tvzoom.
  55. Италия (5): 50/Ж - Stefania Zizzari - journalist
    Her career as journalist started on 1993 writing about culture, current affairs and social attitude, for the magazine "Epoca". Since 2000 she has been working for the magazine "TV sorrisi e canzoni", handling music, TV news and movies.
  56. Кипр (1): 47/Ж - Poly Roussou - Pianist/Music teacher/Assistant Headmistress
    Poly has a BA and a Masters Degree of Music in Piano Performance,from The Cleveland Institute of Music, Ohio, USA. She is an awarded pianist,a music teacher and a composer. She has published several articles on music and participated as a jury member i
  57. Кипр (2): 40/М - Nicos Evangelou - Music Teacher / Pianist
    Nicos Evangelou studied music at the University of Central Florida and Contemporary Classical Music Composition at Columbia College Chicago. He teaches music theory, music history, piano, orchestration and composition. He is the composer of the 2008 Cyp
  58. Кипр (3): 43/Ж - Silia Ioannidou - Journalist/Radio producer
    Silia has a degree in Political Science and a Masters degree in Communication and Mass Media, University of Westminster.
  59. Кипр (4): 38/М - Kypros Karaviotis - DJ/Radio Producer
    Kypros is a very successful and popular DJ. He has residencies not only in Cyprus but also Athens and Mykonos. He played with Oliver Koletzki, Tapesh, Loulou Players, Phonique, Nick Warren, Aeroplane, Jan Blomqvist among others. He hosts a number 1 music
  60. Кипр (5): 29/Ж - Christina Tselepou - Vocal Music Coach/Live Performance Singer
    Christina is a very well known singer/performer. She followed Performance Studies at Kingston University, UK.
  61. Албания (1): 63/М - Edison Misso - Professor of classic guitar at the University of Arts Tirana
    Established for the first time branch of classic guitar in artistic lyceum of Tirana. Author of 3 books for guitar. Released a CD “Classic guitar” where parts of Bach, Korsakov, Mozart, Ravel, Vivaldi, Zadeja, Harapi played by 15 – 20 guitars. Gave
  62. Албания (2): 68/М - Agim Doci - Author, lyrics writer
    Lyrics writer of many songs. Lyric’s writer of first Albanian entry in ESC 2004 “The image of you”. Script writer of many documentaries. Worked as a journalist and PR for many years. Well known poet in Albania. Member of the League of Writers and Ar
  63. Албания (3): 69/М - Flamur Shehu - Composer
    Composer of more than 400 songs, working since 1966. Winner of many prizes in children, young voices and adult festivals and song contests. Former secretary general of CIOFF. Winner of Gold Medal "Naim Frasheri" 2007 and "Grand Master"
  64. Албания (4): 24/Ж - Kejsi Tola - Singer
    Studied at artistic lyceum and University of Arts Tirana. Participant and winner in children song festivals in Tirana and Shkodra. Participant and winner of FiK in 2008, representing Albania in ESC 2009. Participant and winner of prices in Magic Song and
  65. Албания (5): 33/Ж - Nisida Tufa - Journalist / speaker / moderator
    Journalist, speaker, moderator at News 24 since 2002. Worked as journalist in newspaper Gazeta Shqiptare and Bluetooth, covering art and culture. Studied for literature at philological faculty of State University of Tirana. Speaks fluently English and Ita
  66. Израиль (1): 44/Ж - Betty Pablo - Singer/Songwriter, Musician and Actress
    Betty touches a wide range of feelings in her music, from moving ballads to happy and joyful songs. She has released three self-written albums: "Butterflies" (2000), "Try Me" (2004) and "Within The Words" (2009) and won the A
  67. Израиль (2): 33/М - Rhone Rabin - Advertising and Marketing
    VP of an advertising and marketing agency, specializing also in the music industry, dealing with local and international leading performers and artists, music festivals and various art and culture events. Produced music shows and various events. DJing in
  68. Израиль (3): 44/М - Nathan Slor - Musician
    Graduated from the Rimon School of Jazz and Contemporary Music (1999) and Beit Zvi School of the Performing Arts (2006). Performed extensively throughout Israel with shows presenting Israeli classics, poetry events, events about literature and theater and
  69. Израиль (4): 69/Ж - Chaya Zel - Head of Record and Film Library, Kol Israel IBA Radio
    Editor and radio host on all IBA (Kol Israel) radio stations, for over 20 years: 88FM, Reshet A, Reshet B, Kol Hamusika. Participated in many committees that chose that songs for the Israeli National Final, the Song Festival and the Eurovision Song Contes
  70. Израиль (5): 39/М - Tsach Zimroni - DJ, Party Promoter
    Created in 2001 the retro radio show "1984", and has been broadcasting it since. DJ at the successful 80s retro parties line “1984” in different clubs in Tel Aviv and around the world. Specializing in various genres, including disco, oldies, 90s
  71. Австрия (1): 35/М - Daniel Harb - singer, songwriter, performer
    Singer, songwriter and performer of Austrian and Lebanese descent best known for his mix of R&B, dance and Arabic rhythms. Studied music and dance in Austria and the US, performed with superstars like Diana Ross, Patti LaBelle and Dionne Warwick.
  72. Австрия (2): 34/Ж - Dorothee Freiberger - Musikproduzentin/Tonmeisterin/Komponistin
    Dorothee FREIBERGER (ehem.BADENT)
  73. Австрия (3): 36/М - Lukas Hillebrand - Musician/Producer
    Winner of the Austrian Bandcontest with his Band „Willow“ in 2001.
  74. Австрия (4): 49/М - Peter Pansky - Music Management, Booking & PR, Musician
    Artist @ Warner Music and Universal Music, A&R an Promotion Manager in several Record Companies, Youngster of Arts Award, several Gold to Triple Platin Awards as PR, Booking and A&r Manager, 3 times @ ESC for Austrian Participants as Manager, Prod
  75. Австрия (5): 40/М - Franz Joseph Pleterski - Marketing Director Austria
    2000 – 2001: Marketing/Promodtion Domestic Department EMI Music Austria
  76. Бельгия (1): 39/М - Tom Helsen - Singer Songwriter
    Tom Helsen is one of Belgium’s most respected singer-songwriters. His song Goodbye became an international hit after a Portuguese sitcom used it as soundtrack. After a break of 4years, he came back with the album Unbreakable in 2015. He was one of the e
  77. Бельгия (2): 54/Ж - Leen Demaré - Radio DJ
    In 1985 Leen Demaré started as a radio presenter at Radio 1. From start of Radio Donna in 1992, Leen was one of leading ladies. She worked for the hit radio until 2006. She started working for the commercial channel 4FM, who became in 2009 JOEfm.
  78. Бельгия (3): 33/М - Axel Hirsoux - Artist
    Axel Hirsoux made his debut in the Walloon version of The Voice in 2013. His love for the Eurovision Song Contest encouraged him to enrol in the Flemish national selection show, Eurosong 2014. He won very convincing and reperesented Belgium at ESC2014 in
  79. Бельгия (4): 60/Ж - Jo Lemaire - Singer
    Jo Lemaire debuted musically in the late 70s with her New Wave group, Jo Lemaire + Flouze. Through her concerts abroad, her multilingualism and covers of hits by foreign artists, Lemaire has many fans outside Belgium; in Germany, the Netherlands, and in F
  80. Бельгия (5): 20/Ж - Aurélie Van Rompay - Singer
    Aurélie participated in The Voice van Vlaanderen in 2014, the same year as Laura Tesoro. Laura won the battle with Aurélie. In 2015 she released 'Het meisje met de parel' and this became a big summer hit.
  81. Босния и Герцеговина (1): 48/Ж - Alma Čardžić - singer
    The first music steps she made at age of a 15 when she won the first place at music festival "Studentsko ljeto“.
  82. Босния и Герцеговина (2): 32/М - Nardin Masic - composer
    I was born in 1984 an. I live in Sarajevo. I graduated at Law University in Sarajevo. As music author, I wrote nearly 100 songs for some of the most popular singers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia.
  83. Босния и Герцеговина (3): 43/М - Elvir Hadžijamaković - editor and singer
    Elvir is editor, producer working for Children department at FTV.
  84. Босния и Герцеговина (4): 23/М - Djordje Jovančić - composer, music producer
    Đorđe Jovančić is a music producer, songwriter, singer, multi - instrumentalist and music educator. He is a founder and CEO of the music education system called "Basics- School of music" dedicated to educating new musical talents in Bosnia and H
  85. Босния и Герцеговина (5): 52/М - Amir Misirlić - music editor
    Amir graduated journalism and has worked or still is working for Radio Sarajevo, Radio Maršu-Mariboru, Radio Vogošća, Radio Ba, Radio GBG Geteborg, etc.
  86. Болгария (1): 69/М - Michail Ivanov Belchev - poet, singer, songwriter
    Famous Bulgarian pop singer, poet, composer and director. Winner of numerous awards at the Golden Orpheus Musical Festival. He has released many musical albums. Author of the music and texts of many songs, performed by Bulgarian singers and groups.
  87. Болгария (2): 29/Ж - Joanna Nickolova Dragneva - pop singer, artist
    Popular singer, percussionist and TV presenter. In 2008 Joanna with Deep Zone represented Bulgaria at ESC. Winner of numerous prestigious awards. She has participated in numerous concerts and club events in Europe, USA and China.
  88. Болгария (3): 38/Ж - Teodora Milcheva Katzarova - singer, songwriter
    One of the most popular pop singers in Bulgaria. She has released many solo albums and sigles. In 1998 she received the prize "Best RnB singer of the year". Singer of the year in 2000. She has numerous appearances in concerts, radio and TV progr
  89. Болгария (4): 49/М - Stoyan Velev Yankoulov - artist, musician - drummer and percussionist
    One of the most talented drummers in Bulgaria, creating equally well in Bulgarian folklore, jazz, pop and rock music with unique style of playing. In 2007 and 2013 he took part in ESC with Elitsa Todorova. In 2007 they took the 5th place. Winner of numer
  90. Болгария (5): 46/М - Angel Angelov Zaberski - conductor, composer, musician
    Piano player, music arranger and composer of jazz and classic music, arranger for the Big Band of the Bulgarian National Radio. In 1998 he formed own jazz trio and in 2000 - jazz octette. Lecturer at the New Bulgarian University. He has concerted in Europ
  91. Хорватия (1): 57/М - Duško Mandić - music producer
    Duško Mandić, is multi-instrumentalist, music producer, arranger, songwriter and composer. In 1977, began as guitarist in pop group recording their first album, and continued as studio recording musician and music producer ,songwriter and arranger.
  92. Хорватия (2): 43/М - Boris Đurđević - music producer
    Boris Đurđević is a Croatian musician, composer and producer known for creating Colonia - one of
  93. Хорватия (3): 28/Ж - Damir Kedžo - singer
    Damir Kedzo started his career in a boy band Saša Tin Kedžo. After the band broke up Damir continued his solo career. He won multiple festivals in Croatia and Europe. Including Slavianski Bazaar in Belarus and New Wave festival in Russia.
  94. Хорватия (4): 36/Ж - Pamela Ramljak - singer
    Pamela Ramljak was one of the finalists on Hrvatski Idol and joined girl group Feminnem. Feminnem represented Bosnia and Herzegovina in Eurovision Song Contest 2005 and also represented Croatia at Eurovision Song Contest in Norway , Oslo 2010.
  95. Хорватия (5): 22/Ж - Kim Verson - singer
    Kim Verson is a Croatian singer.
  96. Чехия (1): 68/М - Miloš Skalka - Radio presenter, DJ, Music journalist
    Miloš Skalka is the popular radio host in Czech republic, he is a DJ and also he is a music journalist. His work as journalist was mostly based in interviews with the music stars like Bryan Adams, Carlos Santana, Ray Charles or Johnny Cash.
  97. Чехия (2): 50/М - Pavel Anděl - editor, producer, host
    Experienced editor, producer and TV Host. Pavel was a host of a famous czech music talkshow Noc s Andělem. Now he wokrs like radio presenter of show Andělská 20 in Radio Rockzone among other projects.
  98. Чехия (3): 49/Ж - Marcela Kočandrlová - artist & local repertoire product manager, product manager of classical music, music magazine editor etc.
    Marcela is music professional, who is doing from produciton of music from whole scale of it, to editing TV music shows and writing about music to magazines as well.
  99. Чехия (4): 45/М - Petr Král - radio presenter, music editor
    Petr has experience from big scale of music radio stations since year 1991 (e.g. Radio City, Blaník or Evropa 2). Now he is the music editor and host in radio Český rozhlas Radiožurnál for 7 years.
  100. Чехия (5): 46/Ж - Markéta Nešlehová - Director
    Markéta made big scale of work as director, from documentary work, to live shows, music programs, concerts, music DVD's and videoclips. Awarded for Women (Re)present in Skopje Golden Wheel Festival, Anděl music Award for DVD DVD Live & Life Blue
  101. Дания (1): 43/Ж - Kaya Brüel - Singer, Songwriter and Actress
    Kaya has worked as a singer, actor and songwriter for 25 years.She has made 9 solo albums and yet one to come, with release in the fall.Also well known as an actor in musical plays.Kaya participated in 2011 in the Danish Song Contest with her song "O
  102. Дания (2): 69/Ж - Hilda Heick - Singer and Songwriter
    Hilda Heick has sung and entertained around in Denmark with her husband Keld Heick in more than 35 years in the duo " Keld & Hilda " . They still touring much as their popularity is great. Hilda has written some lyrics and songs. She co-host
  103. Дания (3): 51/М - Jimmy Jørgensen - Musician, Singer, Songwriter and Actor
  104. Дания (4): 32/М - Morten Specht Larsen - Drummer
    On a daily basis he plays drums in Copenhagen Drummers, who in 2010 won TALENT. Since then he has played more than 1000 shows in Denmark and abroad, and in 2013 he helped to pull Eurovision to Denmark as Copenhagen Drummers with Emmelie De Forest won the
  105. Дания (5): 43/М - Anis Basim Moujahid - Singer & Songwriter
    Basim is one of the few people that all of Denmark is on a first-name basis. Basim came at a 9th place in the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen.Basim is a proffesional songwriter and are writing songs to other artists all over the world.
  106. Эстония (1): 52/М - Priit Pajusaar - composer
    has composed over 200 songs; 4 times participant in ESC; has composed an opera and two very successful musicals and a unique opus "Concerto Contore" for office machines and chamber orchestra; active composer and producer for over 20 years.
  107. Эстония (2): 76/Ж - Els Himma - singer
    pop and jazz singer for over 30 years, has toured with bigbands in Finland, Germany, Russia, Georgia; has won prizes from jazz festivals; has worked as an solo artist in the Moscow Music Hall; participated in musical films; still an active singer at the
  108. Эстония (3): 39/Ж - Kadri Koppel - professional singer, vocal coach and songwriter
    professional singer, vocal coach and songwriter;
  109. Эстония (4): 27/М - Taavi Paomets - an independant musician and music producer
    an independent musician and music producer;
  110. Эстония (5): 23/Ж - Hanna Parman - artist and teacher
    plays 6 instruments; is a solfeggio teacher for popjazz;
  111. Финляндия (1): 29/М - Jurek Simo Reunamäki - Music producer
    Jurek has been producing and co-writing several number ones for artists like Antti Tuisku and Johanna Kurkela and there´s many more in the pipeline. Jurek feels home painting his canvas with heavily processed electronic beats combined with strong melodic
  112. Финляндия (2): 51/М - Heimo Hatakka - Lyricist-journalist
    I have worked as a journalist and a songwriter since late 1980’s. I have written lyrics for Finnish artists such as Anna Puu, Jonna Järnefelt, lauluyhtye Viisi, Club for Five, Jukka Leppilampi, Mari Rantasila, Mirja Mäkelä and Paula Koivuniemi.
  113. Финляндия (3): 35/Ж - Hanna Kinnunen - Radio host and producer
    She has studied, played and written music all her life. She has recorded an r&b-pop-album in 2004 and starred in one of the top tv-drama-series in Finland as well as in movies. Now she is hosting and producing an afternoon radio show at Radio Aalto.
  114. Финляндия (4): 39/М - Jori Allan Petteri Sjöroos - Producer/Composer/Artist
    Jori Sjöroos is a Finnish music composer, record producer and multi-instrumentalist. He is best known for producing and composing all the albums for Finnish girl duo PMMP.
  115. Финляндия (5): 31/Ж - Jannika Ona Elisabeth Wirtanen - Singer,songwriter
    Jannika B is a singer/Songwriter, who has released two albums under her own record label ONA, in co-operation with Sony Music Finland. Now she is working on her third album together with Finland's top producer J.Immonen who co-wrote Belgium's en
  116. Венгрия (1): 39/М - Viktor Rakonczai - composer, pianist, music producer,
    Plays piano since his age 13. His band, VIP represented Hungary in ESC in Dublin. Since 2001 he has been working as a composer, music producer and won several prizes like Artisjus, eMeRTon, Fonogram. In 2006 he has become the composer of year as won Europ
  117. Венгрия (2): 69/М - Károly Frenreisz - musician, composer, lyricist
    Attended Bela Bartok Conservatoire. Plays saxophone and bass guitar. Played in the famous band of the 60ieth, Metro, then LGT and Skorpio. He started composing at age 21. As a musician- songwriter he had 23 albums. He had become the "Best Bass Guitar
  118. Венгрия (3): 34/М - Behnam Lotfi - musical producer, disc jockey,
    Resident DJ of Music FM Radio. In 2011 with Compact Disco he won a Fonogram Award for “Best Artist in Electronic Music”, and MTV EMA “Best Hungarian Band” and Antropos Award for “Best Album in 2010”. In 2012 they represented Hungary in ESC. In
  119. Венгрия (4): 45/М - Peter Laszlo Novák - performer
    Performer/founder of the Kimnowak band, composer-songwriter. Besides his musical and directing work (Stephen, the King 2016, West Side Story, The Marriage of Figaro), he participated in several talent shows as a jury member (Megasztár 3) or as a presente
  120. Венгрия (5): 41/Ж - Katalin Wolf - singer
    Her first solo album was published in 2009, titled ""Wolf áramlat". She was launched in 2010 at X-Factor talent contest. Her most successful single, "Szerelem, miért múlsz?" („What About My Dreams?”) represented Hungary at the 201
  121. Исландия (1): 58/Ж - Kristin Bjorg Thorsteinsdottir - Former TV producer.
    Has a degree as a music teacher and a BS degree in TV Production from Ithaca College. Worked for many years as a producer for TV in Iceland and also as a radio presenter. Extended choir experience.
  122. Исландия (2): 29/М - Bjorgvin Ivar Baldursson - Music Producer/engineer/musician
    Bjorgvin Ivar is the grandson of one of Iceland´s most beloved rock musicians of all time and works in his family's recording studio as an engineer & producer. He has since young age been active as a guitar player in bands like Lifun, Eldar, Klas
  123. Исландия (3): 64/М - Magnus Jon Kjartansson - Musician/composer
    Magnús has been an establishment in the Icelandic music industry since he was a teenager. He has composed many of the best songs written in Iceland. He was for years a member in many of the most popular groups in Iceland. He is still working as a song wr
  124. Исландия (4): 20/Ж - Vera Hjordis Matsdottir - Music student
    Vera has from the age of 5 been active as a choir singer and is now studying classical singing at the Reykjavik Singing Academy. She has been active in smaller singing groups and will this month graduate as a solo singer from the Academy.
  125. Исландия (5): 47/Ж - Kristjana Stefansdottir - singer-songwriter
    Kristjana Stefánsdottir has been a leading lady for years in the Icelandic Jazz/Blues and improv Scene. She has released a number of solo albums and has many nominations for her work. Currently, she is a musical director and composer at Reykjavik City Th
  126. Ирландия (1): 55/М - Ken O'Sullivan - Radio presenter
    Ken presents a Sunday 80s show for Irish radio station LMFM where he's worked for 25 years, hosting music shows eg. Top 40 & Country & Irish. He's the station’s Eurovision guy since 1993, at contests at home & abroad. He served on so
  127. Ирландия (2): 49/Ж - Caroline Henry - Music associate/production manager
    30 years experience working in music initially tour managing Hothouse Flowers worldwide & freelanced for many years working with bands & productions like The Corrs, Riverdance, Hozier. Worked with Principle Management.
  128. Ирландия (3): 32/Ж - Lauren Murphy - Freelance music & arts journalist/Website Music editor
    Lauren writes about music, film and travel for publications like Hot Press, The Sunday Times, The Irish Times, The Sunday Business Post, CARA magazine and many more. She is the current Music Editor of
  129. Ирландия (4): 23/М - Jimmy Rainsford - Musician
    Started in music 2011, my YouTube channel with drumming videos grew to over 60k followers/16m hits which led me to tour worldwide with top Irish artist Ryan Sheridan. Played with Molly Sterling at EVSC 2015, now a full-time drummer & producer, I now h
  130. Ирландия (5): 18/Ж - Molly Sterling - Singer/songwriter
    Molly became Ireland's youngest Eurovision act when she sang Playing With Numbers co-written by her. Since then she's been composing & recording more of her own material, and has recently been working on more songs in the USA. This year, she
  131. Латвия (1): 47/М - Aigars Dinsbergs - producer, Board member of the company “Izklaides producentu grupa 7”
    2003 - Master’s degree, business management, RISEBA
  132. Латвия (2): 29/Ж - Iluta Alsberga - singer, Dj
    Iluta graduated Jelgava Music high school.
  133. Латвия (3): 32/М - Rūdolfs Budze - DJ, producer
    Rūdolfs Budze was invited to clubs and festivals in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Austria, Netherlands, Malta, USA.
  134. Латвия (4): 24/Ж - Antra Lapsa - singer, composer
    Antra Stafecka, popular singer in Latvia, writes songs for herself. She makes music together with the group “OTRA PUSE”
  135. Латвия (5): 45/М - Andrejs Volkovs - Latvian Radio 4, music editor, producer, program anchor
    Since 1992 - Andrejs started to publish articles about the popular western music for different Russian language newspapers in Latvia.
  136. Литва (1): 42/Ж - Nomeda Kazlaus - Pianist, opera singer.
    Kazlaus graduated Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with a doctoral degree. A professional pianist early in her studies became an opera singer. She has appeared in leading roles in many world famous Opera houses including Bolshoi in Moscow and Teatr
  137. Литва (2): 30/М - Vidas Bareikis - singer, composer, theatre director
    He graduated the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and the V. Meyerhold Centre under Moscow Art Theatre. His activities embrace from musical performances to theatrical directing and acting. He writes music, plays in the Suicide DJs band, has release
  138. Литва (3): 41/М - Justas Cekuolis - Music producer
    Partner at the music management agency „Meno Žmonės“ and label „The Key“. Has bee active in the Lithuanian music business since 1998. During that time he has managed such bands as: SKAMP, G&G Sindikatas, BIX, Ms Sheep, Dee & Kamy.
  139. Литва (4): 41/М - Vytautas Lukocius - Conductor of Lithuanian chamber orchestra
    Orchestra conductor, pianist. From 2004 – conductor of the Lithuanian Chamber orchestra. Participates in various TV musical projects. Performed with internationally famous artists. At the Lithuanian Opera and ballet Theater conducted operas by Verdi, Wa
  140. Литва (5): 49/Ж - Egle Nepaite Abaraviciene - singer, music producer
    She graduated The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Choral Conducting Faculty, in 1991. She is a singer of the popular “Indian Summer” women’s vocal quartet, as well as music publishing co-ordinator and producer of a number of TV musical proj
  141. Мальта (1): 25/М - Matthew Merceica - Songwriter/Vocal Coach
    Matthew Mercieca studied Music at Tech Music in London. His success as a songwriter includes: THE START sung by Gaia Cauchi winner of JESC 2013, DIAMONDS sung by Federica Falzon JESC 2014, WARRIOR sung by Amber (ESC 2015) and NOT MY SOUL sung by Destin
  142. Мальта (2): 34/Ж - Maria Abdilla - Vocal Coach / Music Teacher
    Maria Abdilla, a BA hons Music Graduate (UOM) and an active member of the Institute for Vocal Advancement (IVA). She has worked with many local and foreign singers and is well known for her success in coaching Destiny Chukunyere, winner of JESC 2015.
  143. Мальта (3): 27/М - Peter Borg - Guitarist, Songwriter, Producer, Musician
    Railway Studios owner - producer of many local acts. Session guitarist for many large events - Rockestra, Xirka Rock. Event organiser and show producer at Malta Rock Movement with Gianni Zammit and Wayne Camilleri
  144. Мальта (4): 41/Ж - Angie Laus - TV Presenter / TV Producer
    Angie Laus started her career with a music programme at the age of 19 and presently she presents a TV programme HADD GHALIK. Angie has interviewed big celebrities such as Rod Steward, Amadeo Minghi and Ivana Spagna, and also the Malta Music Awards tw
  145. Мальта (5): 30/М - Ismael Portelli - Director/Creative Director
    Ismael Portelli started off his professional career in Lighting Design 11 years ago. Some highlight events were various operas, Malta Music Awards 2008 - 2013, Rockestra 2009, 2011 - 2015 and he was also appointed Creative Director for the Malta Eurovis
  146. Нидерланды (1): 38/Ж - Jennie Antoinette Willemstijn - Singer
    Supporting act of Joss Stone, background singer esc 2015 and finalist of The Voice of Holland 2016. Jennie Lena sings a mix of pop, soul and blues.
  147. Нидерланды (2): 47/М - Rudolf Alexander de Wild - Radio DJ
    Radio DJ at TMF, Qmusic, Radio 538. In the past host of "Top of the Pops", Big Brother and more.
  148. Нидерланды (3): 59/Ж - Margaretha Hendrika Maria Groeneveld - Singer
    Marga Bult, Marcha ESC 1987 with "Rechtop in de Wind" took the 5th place and got popularity price from international press. She still makes reports about the songcontest for OUTTV and sings a lot.
  149. Нидерланды (4): 61/Ж - Setkse Paulina Mostaert - Vocal coach / Singer
    Has cooperated on numerous CD recordings. She also traveled with ensembles throughout Europe. She is also involved with judging and giving workshops. Worked with Ilse de Lange (esc 2014), Trijntje Oosterhuis (esc 2015)
  150. Нидерланды (5): 49/М - Kurt Holger Schwedt - Producer
    Works as a music producer with variuous artists, including van Velzen, Go Back To The Zoo, Ben Saunders and Blof. He has acted as coach in the television program The voice of Holland.
  151. Норвегия (1): 42/Ж - Pernille Torp-Holte - general manager
    I worked in the music industry for more than 20 years, started in Virgin Records working with artists as Turbonegro, Smashing Pumpkins, Röyksopp, Daft Punk and more. 2010 i started Heartbeat AS. I am born the year that ABBA won Eurovision and can only wo
  152. Норвегия (2): 34/М - Thomas Anholt - Artist
    Thomas is an singer/dancer and member of the showgroup VOI VOI together with Elin Kristiansen. Voi Voi does stricly Eurovision-music and they travel all over Europe with their show. Thomas is also a member of the Norwegian dragshowgroup Great Garlic Girls
  153. Норвегия (3): 38/М - Nicholas Emmanuel Carlie - vocalist, music journalist, television and radio host
    Former vocalist, music journalist, television and radio host. Started his own entertainment consultancy business in 2010 which specializes in celebrity and talent casting. Continues to work as a musician, DJ, director, content consultant and events compan
  154. Норвегия (4): 39/М - Christian Ingebrigtsen - Artist/songwriter
    Christian Ingebrigtsen has topped the charts worldwide, won a Brit Award and sold over 10 million albums as member of pop group a1. He’s a successful solo artist in Norway, where he also writes and produces for others, including the runner up in the Nor
  155. Норвегия (5): 54/Ж - Mia Gundersen Leliënhof - Artist/Singer
    Mia is a well known artist and cabaretsinger in Norway and judge in Norske talenter. She has standed on the stage as in singer and is also an actress that can di any parts on stage.
  156. Молдавия (1): 53/М - Iurie Mahovici - Composer, Professor
    profesor universitar
  157. Молдавия (2): 30/М - Ion Bratescu - Dirijor
    1)Prim maestru de cor al Teatrului National de Opera si Balet; 2) Conducator artistic al formatiei Brio Sonores; 3) Regent la catedrala "Sf. Teodora de la Sihla". Profesor de dirijare la Scoala de arte "V. Poleacov"
  158. Молдавия (3): 27/М - Andrian Marian - dirijer
    Dirjer "Chishinau Youth Orchestra"
  159. Молдавия (4): 25/Ж - Lidia Scarlat - Artist
    Lead vocal, composer and lyrics writer for "Cuibul"
  160. Молдавия (5): 44/Ж - Georgeta Voinovan - Composer
    Composer, Lyrics writer
  161. Польша (1): 35/М - Jakub Raczynski - musician
    Jakub Raczynski - graduate of the Music Academy in Katowice. Especially interested in Jazz. Founder of the Band Kuba Raczynski Set.
  162. Польша (2): 58/М - Jacek Kecik - director, screenwriter
    Jacek Kecik - director and screenwriter of many TV shows. Winner of many prestigious awards. Creator and director of the musical group "Filharmonia Dowcipu"
  163. Польша (3): 39/М - Marcin Kusy - journalist
    Music journalist, works in the Polish Radio (program 1). Author program "Eklektykon" .
  164. Польша (4): 36/Ж - Monika Kuszynska - artist - singer,
    The Singer and songwriter.
  165. Польша (5): 24/М - Artur Zielinski - Association member OGAE Poland
    Artur Zieliński from six years working in the association fans Eurovision Song Contest - OGAE Poland. Organizes many events related to the contest.
  166. Сан-Марино (1): 54/Ж - Monica Moroni - Flute soloist, teacher
    She studied flute at the “Conservatorio di Musica “G. Rossini”. Concert player, her repertoire increased in different period and ages making a complete performance. She performs in different basilicas in Rome and Lazio as soloist, and in duo piano,
  167. Сан-Марино (2): 33/М - Leonardo Bollini - Musician, guitarist
    Self-educated singer, musician and composer: 1996: Pink Floyd tribute band EURITMIA. 2010-2011: moves to Basle and plays in the German-Swiss band TEMPLE X. He forms the folk band 'LA LOCUSTA ACUSTICA'. He sings and plays in the 'SOUND- PROJ
  168. Сан-Марино (3): 37/М - Carlo Chiaruzzi - audio engineer
    6 years experience as guitarist with the bands Fuori Onda and 54Dan - 15 years experience as audio engineer in a recording studio - owner of a company devoted to many different audio services
  169. Сан-Марино (4): 27/Ж - Gea Gasperoni - Pianist, teacher
    Professional piano player, teaches at the San Marino Music School. In 2009 she won the European Young Artists of the Mediterranean (BJCEM). She won national and international music awards in duo with a cello player.
  170. Сан-Марино (5): 25/М - Edoardo Monti - Musician - beat creator
    2012: collaborates with the production of “Notturni” - 2014: releases the EP “Sottovoce” with Estel Lux – 2015: “Photobeat” album is released with Marzia Gamba – 2015: starts the collaboration with Funk Rimini, takes part in Grabber Soul B
  171. Словения (1): 31/Ж - Marjetka Vovk - Singer, vocal coach, songwriter
    Marjekta Vovk is the lead singer of Maraaya who represented Slovenia at ESC 2015. Maraaya is one of the most successful bands in Slovenia. Marjetka is also a songwriter and an established vocal coach.
  172. Словения (2): 41/Ж - Eva Hren - singer, guitar player
    Eva Hren is an established singer, musician and guitar player. Her successful career includes pop, jazz, classic and folk music.
  173. Словения (3): 32/М - Tadej Kosir - guitar player, composer, producer
    Tadej Kosir is a guitar player in one of the most popular Slovenian mainstream pop bands, Muff. He is also a successful composer and producer (including the runner-up song at national selection for ESC 2016).
  174. Словения (4): 23/М - Klemen Mramor - Singer, composer, lyricist
    Clemens is a young singer, composer, lyricist ... In 2015 he was the youngest newcomer at national selection for ESC. He has already had few radio hits and is one of the most promissing artist of the mainstream pop music in Slovenia.
  175. Словения (5): 47/Ж - Ursa Vlasic - Lyricist
    Ursa Vlasic is well respected and award winning lyricist. Songs with her lyrics (in Slovene and English) have represented Slovenia at ESC already 5 times (1998, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2011).
  176. Испания (1): 29/Ж - Mónica Vázquez Ruiz - Journalist / Song-writer / Artist
    Electric Nana composes, arranges and produces her own songs, creating a original music in English, Spanish or French. She plays piano and guitar and also has a degree in journalism. In 2011 she published her first songs and in 2015 released her first albu
  177. Испания (2): 23/М - Salvador Beltrán Picón - Song-writer / Artist
    Salvador is a troubadour and since he was a kid plays his guitar and piano. Flamenco based, in 2015 he released his second album (Reflejos de mi camino) -themed rock, reggae, bossa nova and funky pop, all signed by himself.
  178. Испания (3): 20/М - Maverick López Sánchez - Singer
    In 2015 Maverick won the Spanish edition of The Voice. He has released an album of songs by Laura Pausini and himself: "18 + 1". His songs are of different styles and audience mostly youth.
  179. Испания (4): 26/М - Jesús Segovia Pérez - Musician / Composer / Artist / Producer
    Xuso Jones is a singer and composer, also a producer and tourism businessman. He plays guitar and piano and has published two albums: "Part I" (2013) and "Vuela" (2015), composed and co-written by himself, as he has written songs for o
  180. Испания (5): 45/Ж - Coral Segovia-Noguera - Singer
    Coral Segovia is artist with over 20 years of musical and recording career. Winner of Benidorm Song Contest in 2005 and runner up two other times, she also won second place in the ESC nacional selections of 2008 and 2010 to represent Spain in Eurovision.
  181. Швеция (1): 39/Ж - Karin Gunnarsson - radio dj
    Karin Gunnarsson has for almost ten years had great influence and responsibility for the music on Swedish Radio P3 and is a key figure in the Swedish music industry . She has been involved in a number of successful projects, P3 Gold and Musikhjälpen .
  182. Швеция (2): 17/Ж - Lisa Ajax - Artist
    Lisa Ajax became a name when she took both the jury and audience by storm in Idol 2014. After the win, she continued with music and competed with the song "My Heart Wants Me Dead" in Melodifestivalen 2016
  183. Швеция (3): 22/М - Anton Kim Ewald - Artist
    Sweden’s 2013 male pop breakthrough he charmed the audience with his singing. His debut single “Begging” went straight up to first place on Spotify, after his amazing performance in Melodifestivalen. Since then, “Begging” has gone double platinu
  184. Швеция (4): 44/М - Rickard Keilor - Program Director NRJ Sweden SBS Discovery Radio
    Bauer Media in Sweden runs several radiostations, Mix Megapol, Rockklassier, Vinyl, The Voice and collaboration with NRJ
  185. Швеция (5): 37/М - Anderz Wrethov - songwriter, artist, producer
    Wrethov began his international career, with several hit songs in Scandinavia, UK and Germany as a result. Later, Wrethov established his name in Japan and South Korea by writing for the biggest J and K-pop stars, generating several gold and platinum awar
  186. Македония (1): 70/М - Vanco Dimitrov - composer, singer, music journalist and editor
    Vanco Dimitrov is one of the those essential for the start of the development of pop music in Macedonia. He is composer with over 200 songs, former singer, music journalist and editor. He is also a writer for the musical literature.
  187. Македония (2): 34/Ж - Natasa Miyat Krstevska - songwriter and singer
    MIYATTA is a singer/songwriter from Macedonia. Her music is best characterized as rock, but there are many additional flavours to it like glam, blues, latino and even acoustic folk. In Macedonia she is known for her powrful voice and strong performances.
  188. Македония (3): 38/М - Goran Naumovski - singer
    Goran Naumovski is one of a new generation of excellent singers in Macedonia. In the last two years he was a participant in the most renowned music festival in Macedonia such is Makfest and Skopje fest.
  189. Македония (4): 41/М - Aleksandar Ristovski - composer, producer, singer, guitar player, songwriter
    Aleksandar Ristovski Prince is one of the most popular and talented composer, producer, singer, guitar player, songwriter in Macedonia. He is also director of many music video for many other artists in Macedonia, as well for the ESC song "Dona".
  190. Македония (5): 30/Ж - Nade Talevska - singer
    Nade Talevska is a singer and she participated in singing contest for the first time at the age of six. Nade takes part in various music festivals, music events, both pop-modern and classical.She is employed at the National Opera House.
  191. Великобритания (1): 38/Ж - CeCe Sammy - Vocal Coach, Judge, Vocalist, Artist
    CeCe Sammy has worked in the industry for 21 years. She started as a backing vocalist for Diana Ross, Julio Iglesias and Sting. She has performed for the Queen and Royal Family before becoming a vocal coach, working with S Club 7, Simon Fuller and John Ma
  192. Великобритания (2): 47/М - Seamus Haji - DJ/Producer/Remixer/A&R/Record label owner/Radio presenter/Part-tiime Music Business Tutor
    Seamus Haji is responsible for some of house music's most memorable tunes such as the chart busting remake of Last Night A DJ Saved My Life & Bootyluv's Boogie 2Nite. He has worked with some of the biggest names in music including Calvin Har
  193. Великобритания (3): 40/М - Sean McGhee - Singer / producer / songwriter
    Sean is a singer, producer, songwriter & programmer. He has mixed #1 singles for Britney Spears, toured the world as Alison Moyet’s backing vocalist, had his songs featured on countless USA TV shows and worked with Robyn, Alanis Morissette, Kiesza, Ri
  194. Великобритания (4): 23/Ж - Bea Munro - Singer / Songwriter
    Bea Munro is a 22 year old Singer/ Songwriter from London, with a background in performing arts. She is currently working on her debut album with Grammy nominated producer Greg Wells and songwriters Cozi Costi and Nina Woodford between LA and the UK.
  195. Великобритания (5): 53/М - Kiran Thakrar - Music Producer/ Music Composer
    Kiran Thakrar has performed in concerts worldwide and composed and produced award-winning albums and short films. He has worked with top artists such as Ginuwine, Bill Bailey, Nusarahat Fatehalikhan and top Bollywood and Indian classical artists.
  196. Швейцария (1): 42/М - Ramon Rey - Head of Marketing and A&R TBA/Phonag AG
    He starts his music employment by Phonag Records AG. Phonag Records is a major record label in Switzerland based in Zurich. Phonag was taken over by TBA AG with Phonag remaining an independent marketing and rep company under this new ownership.
  197. Швейцария (2): 33/Ж - Romina Bruschi - Singer-/Songwriter
    She released her first EP entitled Pomegrenades Attack in 2013, settling on 5-piece indie rock and pop music, all inspired by a British sound. She is currently working with the band "Charlie Roe and The Washing Machines" for the live promotion a
  198. Швейцария (3): 21/М - Luca Hänni - singer-songwriter
    Luca Hänni is a famous Swiss singer-/songwriter as well as a model, who won 2012 the German Castingshow 'Deutschland sucht den Superstar. Released albums so far: 2012 My Name Is Luca, 2013 Living the Dream, 2014 Dance Until We Die and 2015 When We Wa
  199. Швейцария (4): 19/М - Tshanda Sangwa - singer and pianist
    He was born in Kongo. Since his 5th birthday he performs on stages in Africa and Europe - in Belgium he sang for the King. 2003 he won the prize FESPAM as best young african musician. He studies piano and singing. Tours with Pepe Lienhard Orchestra.
  200. Швейцария (5): 35/Ж - Viola Tami - presenter and actor
  201. Сербия (1): 64/М - Slobodan Marković - Composer
    Composer and pianist. Winner of many festivals. The founder of the electro sound in this region. He worked with most famous performers and wrote music for theater and TV.
  202. Сербия (2): 53/М - Nikola Čuturilo - Composer, Lyricist, Guitar player, Singer
    He was the member of one of the most famous bands in this region called Riblja Corba. Afterwards he published a few very successful solo albums. He also writes music for theater, films and tv.
  203. Сербия (3): 48/М - Vladimir Graić - Composer
    He is the author of the ESC 2007 winning song Molitva. One of our most successful composers. Beside his victory, he also participated at the ESC for two more times - with Slovenia in 2012 and with the song Beauty never lies last year in Vienna.
  204. Сербия (4): 48/Ж - Marija Marić - Singer, composer and lyricist
    She has published a few very successful solo albums. She participated in almost all music festivals in this region, including Beovizija. Owns music school and works with young children, including also those with special needs.
  205. Сербия (5): 36/Ж - Ana Milenković - Singer
    She is a famous Serbian singer with one album published. She has also performed as a backing vocal at ESC 2007 with Molitva . Loves and follows ESC as an event.
  206. Черногория (1): 44/М - Srdjan Bulatovic - doctor of classical music, classical guitar player
    He is a doctor of classical music, guitarist and composer. Released 9 cd’s of guitar and classical music and he is the first graduated classical guitar player and the first holder of the Master of music degree in Montenegro
  207. Черногория (2): 51/М - Dejan Bozovic - composer, guitar player
    Dejan is famous Montenerin composer, producer, guitar player and singer. He released indtrumental music album "Homeland" in 2001. In 2005 was a jury member of Serbia and Montenegro talent show "Idol". He participated as a member of ban
  208. Черногория (3): 28/Ж - Ivana Canovic - opera singer
    Ivana finished Master in singing at “Santa Cecilia” Conservatorio in Rome, made her debut at age of 17 in Berlin as Valetto in Monteverdi`s opera The Coronation of Poppea. Performed in Bejing, London, Berlin ... Last year she won the first place at Cl
  209. Черногория (4): 37/Ж - Andrea Demirovic - singer, professor of music
    Andrea is a singer and professor of music in Music High School Bar. Her first album "Andrea", was released in 2006. She represented Montenegro at the ESC 2009 in Moscow singing „Get out of my life“. Andrea announced the voting results of Montene
  210. Черногория (5): 36/М - Momcilo Zekovic - composer, songwritter, bass guitar player
    Composer, songwritter. Member of the band Perper. Composed for the band and for many montenegrin singers as well as childern music. He is also a writter, released 2 books Gravitacija istine and Zaliveni fikus. Employed in PAM (Music rights company)